Thursday, August 27, 2020

Classic Hero Story In Movie Shane Film Studies Essay

Great Hero Story In Movie Shane Film Studies Essay The film Shane is about a previous desperado, named Shane. Shane comes into the residence of a straightforward family, the Starretts, who are being tormented by Ryker, a steers farmer, to move off of what he sees as his territory. Shane remains with the Starretts as a farmhand. He experiences opposition from some of Rykers men when he goes into town to purchase new garments and soft drink for Joey, the Starretts youthful child. Shane is acknowledged as a tranquil nearness in the pilgrim network and is loved by Joey and Marion, the Starrett matron. Joe, the patriarch, turns into a partner to Shane, and causes him ward off Rykers men out traveling to the general store. At the point when a pioneer is executed by a perilous gunman, Jack Wilson, Shane proceeds to spare the pilgrims from the desperado. After the fight, wherein he is harmed, Shane proceeds onward from the town, against the desires of the Starrett family. Shane contains a great legends story and models ordinarily found in sa ints ventures. Shane is the hesitant introvert legend. It is never uncovered in Shane where Shane originates from, just that he was a previous gunman, hoping to get his past behind him. He rides into the Starrett ranch alone. He doesnt go to the Starrett family hoping to experience any difficulty. Shane was hoping to settle down calmly with them. The imagery in the film that demonstrates this is Shanes exchanging his outskirts dress for pants and a button up shirt at the general store, and his assistance in expelling the stump from the Starretts property. When Shane learns of the contention among Ryker and the pilgrims, he from the outset attempts to avoid getting included. When Shane purchases Joey some soft drink, Shane is stood up to by Rykers men for not requesting a masculine beverage. He is taunted, and even has bourbon tossed on his new shirt trying to incite him, yet Shane, despite the fact that he is humiliated, leaves without an encounter. Shane doesnt need to battle. At the point when al l the homesteaders come back to the store in an assembled remain against Ryker, Shane is by and by went up against by Rykers men. Shane this time stirs up some dust, in the wake of being incited about Marion, wherein Joe additionally participate, and winds up crushing the men. During the finish of the film, where Shane needs to look facing Jack Wilson to make harmony for the homesteaders, Shane goes alone. Before setting off to the battle he again exchanges his garments, from the work garments to his previous boondocks outfit that he went to the Starretts in. After the gunfight, wherein he is harmed, Shane heads out alone; his destiny is surrendered over to the creative mind. Since he is harmed, and there is no assistance anyplace close in the outskirts, it is conceivable that he headed out to pass on alone. He is a singular figure and a single contender. At the point when he returns to his old firearm battling ways, he doesnt need to include any other person, not even Joe. Joe, Marion, Joey, Chris Calloway, and Jack Wilson assume jobs as great originals present in the Heros venture. Joe Starrett plays the tutor. The guide is there to support the saint. They direct the legend and help to urge the saint to the correct way. (Campbell) Joe is there to instruct Shane the methods of the homesteader, their first demonstration together is to expel the goliath tree stump from his yard. He likewise goes about as the manager to Shane. Joe is the thing that Shane needs to be, he is an effective pilgrim with his own territory and family. Shane gains from Joe how to be a fruitful man in the network, by going to gatherings with the pilgrims, and how to deal with a bit of the land, by turning into his farmhand. Marion plays the shape shifter and the edge watchman in Shane. The shape shifter deceives and makes question in the saint and the limit gatekeeper tests the legends status and duties. (Campbell) It is evident in the looks and non-verbal communication of Marion that she has come to love Shane in a manner that is out and out affection and love. She spruces up for the July fourth excursion in her wedding dress, it is her tenth wedding commemoration, yet she winds up hitting the dance floor with Shane, while her significant other looks on. Additionally, when Shane will go up against Jack Wilson, Marion inquires as to whether he will do it for her. He reacts that he is going to battle for the whole family, not simply Marion, consequently demonstrating that he had defeated her trial of female sexuality. While he may move and cooperate with Marion, he is nothing yet obliging and doesnt energize an advancing of their relationship past fellowship. Joey goes about as the envoy. The envoy is the news carrier, and frequently acts toward the start of the saints venture, starting the excursion. Joey is the principal individual to spot Shane and informs his folks regarding his appearance. He is likewise there at the battle between Joe, Shane and Rykers men. He illuminates his dad that Shane is in a battle, and Joe comes to step into the battle in the wake of hearing the news. Joey is reliably near Shane, which isn't unexpected, since he adores him. This makes him the ideal individual to carry news to the remainder of the pilgrims. The cheat paradigm, the person who makes jokes about the saint, is Chris Calloway. Calloway is the man who is in the bar the multiple times that shouts that Shane is simply one more Sodbuster, and when Shane is requesting a Soda pop, he is coaxing him into requesting an all the more masculine beverage. Calloway is a lot of a domineering jerk, yet he is depicted not as an extraordinary lowlife, yet as a smashed, confused man. The shadow, or the portrayal of Shanes darkest wants, is Jack Wilson. Wilson is everything that Shane used to be, everything that Shane is attempting to escape from. Shane realizes that he could be dreaded like Wilson, yet has since put this way of life behind him. During the last co nfrontation among Shane and Wilson, Shane is battling a portrayal of his past self. The entire film is the Heros venture. Shanes venture begins when Joey spots him getting through the Starretts land. He forfeits his own needs, his longing to turn into a pioneer and not be controlled by weapons and brutality. This makes him hesitant to face Ryker and his men. He additionally spares Joe Starretts life. Toward the finish of the film, when Joe is resolved to spare his property from Ryker and Jack Wilson, Shane battles Joe, his guide, to spare his life. Along these lines, Shane not just spares Joes life, by not permitting him to battle what ought to be his battle, he additionally spares the life of Marion and Joey. Without Joe, Joey and Marion would be disregarded in the wild with nobody to accommodate them. Shane takes the difficult course toward the finish of the film. He is yielding everything for the Starretts. He battles for the individuals who have gotten significant in his life; despite the fact that he realizes that he will be surrendering them after the battle. His cooperation with the exemplary saint prime examples causes him become the legend and keeping in mind that he leaves directly after the huge battle is finished, he makes certain to turn into a fantasy among the pioneers, who will take the story that Joey lets them know and make it in to one of legend.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Women as Endorser in Selected Liquor Advertisement on Television in the Philippines free essay sample

Publicizing is undoubtedly an incredible instrument to advance, urge and convince customers to buy a specific item, products or administrations. Promoting can be in any structures. Throughout the entire existence of the United States, promoting has reacted to evolving requests, media advancements, and social setting. Businesses running from cleanser to canned food to cigarettes presented new creation strategies, made normalized items in incomprehensible amounts, and tried to discover and convince purchasers in the 1880’s. During this period, National promoting of brand merchandise rose in light of significant changes in the business condition. Alongside the producers, different organizations likewise went to promoting. (http://www. aber. air conditioning. uk/media/Students/hzi9401. html) Advertising organizations, some time ago in the matter of selling publicizing space in nearby papers and a restricted scope of magazines, became hirelings of te new national sponsors, planning duplicate and craftsmanship and putting notices in the spots well on the way to draw in purchaser consideration. Buyer spending energized partially by the expanded accessibility of purchaser creditâ€on vehicles, radios, family unit machines, and relaxation time exercises like observer sports and film going paced a for the most part prosperous 1920’s. From that point forward, publicizing has developed greatly from print, radio, and TV. In 1966, a University of California study uncovered that less than 2 percent of TV plugs included dark entertainers. In any case, before the decade's over, things were starting to change, and brew producers anxious to tap the all out market were among the first to include minorities in quite a while. As ahead of schedule as 1965, Rheingold Beer, for instance, was airing TV spots including African American, Puerto Rican, and Asian entertainers. The respected Miss Rheingold contestsan yearly organization in New York since 1939had been suspended the earlier year, due to a great extent to the acknowledgment that a solitary Miss Rheingold couldn't precisely mirror the brewerys racially various client base (Miller, 2002). In the Philippines, when Spain lost the Spanish-American War in 1898, Americans ruled the nation and affected in today’s present day Filipina ladies. They began working and is as of now recognized in the general public. Advanced Philippine ladies assume an unequivocal job in Filipino families. They handle the cash, go about as strict coaches, and could likewise mastermind the relationships of children and little girls, endeavoring to improve the family’s dynastic associations. Lager, love it, abhor it, is one of the most well known grown-up refreshments the world over. (History of Beer) However, with the coming of TV in the Philippines, the most well-known grumbling is the predominance of sex and viciousness that is being portayed. This examination will look to dissect the pictures depicted by ladies on chose alcohol promotions on TV in 2013 here in the Philippines. Destinations of the Study It is normal for young ladies these days to feel like they generally need to have a place in a specific gathering of individuals. With this perception comes the examination that will investigate the â€Å"Images Portrayed by Women as Endorser in Selected Liquor Advertisement on Television in the Philippines. † Specifically it will: 1. decide the visual introduction as far as: a. Setting b. Language c. Body Movement 2.analyze the visual presesntation of chose Liquor Advertisement on TV in the Philippines a. San Miguel Light b. Tanduay Black c. GSM Blue d. Colt 45 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework According to Klapper (1960) in his Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Theory, the broad communications impacts the mass crowd and could purposely modify or control people’s conduct. It expresses that, â€Å"mass med ia customarily doesn't fill in as essential and productive reason for crowd impact, but instead work through a nexus of intervening components and impact. These interceding factors render mass correspondence as a contributory specialist during the time spent fortifying the current condition. † On the other hand, George Gerbner, in his Cultivation Theory decides the impact of TV on viewer’s thoughts of the earth they lived in. He found that strength of TV made a typical perspective on the world and that it homogenized various societies. Development inquire about ganders at the broad communications as a mingling specialist and researches whether TV watchers come to accept the TV adaptation of reality the more they watch it. This hypothesis expresses that, â€Å"Television shapes ideas of social reality†. The impacts of broad communications have a massive effect on the impression of its crowds. It will leave an imprint that could impact one’s go about when it will be appeared to the overall population. The visual substance of the chose alcohol commercial on TV can without much of a stretch be received as it considered being a cool model since it very well may be fathom latently dissimilar to the print and sound media as it requires a lot of exertion to comprehend what is being passed on. These hypotheses will clarify how broad communications through ads will impact the watchers regarding its visual substance. As an individual sees the item being promoted, it will in a split second imagine the ladies as a result of the introduction which is eye catching. With the examination of the pictures depicted by ladies on the chose alcohol promotions, it will show the variables which has an extraordinary impact and factors that can without much of a stretch be adjusted by the crowd. On the San Miguel Light and Tanduay Dark, the depiction of the characters in each promotion will straightforwardly impact the sort of garments they wear, the embellishments that they are utilizing, the manner in which the endorsers move their body, and creeping nearer to the man that can be seen all through the notice. There are a few qualities that the ladies are anticipating and may have both a positive and negative significance. Meaning of Terms In request to give better comprehension of the examination, the accompanying terms were theoretically and operationally characterized. Endorser. As utilized in the investigation, endorser alludes to the individual/s that advances, underpins, and supports the item. Publicizing. As utilized in the investigation, publicizing alludes to a demonstration or practice of pointing out open one’s item, administration, need, and so forth., particularly by paid declarations in TV (from: http://www. word reference. reference. com/peruse/promoting). Ladies Portrayal. As utilized in the investigation, it very well may be as an image or delineated exhibitions of ladies that are seen on various types of media like TV and how ladies are found in the advertisement paying little mind to their experience, economic wellbeing and collaboration in the public arena. Pictu res. As utilized in the investigation, Images alludes to the qualities anticipated by ladies as an endorser on the chose alcohol commercials on TV in the Philippines. Language. As utilized in the examination, Language alludes to words, lines or slogans utilized by the chose ads. Non-verbal communication. As utilized in the examination, non-verbal communication San Miguel Light. As utilized in the examination, San Miguel Light is a result of San Miguel Brewery Inc. , which is the biggest brew maker in the Philippines with a piece of the overall industry of 95% starting at 2008 ( http://www. wiki/San_Miguel_Brewery). Tanduay Black. As utilized in the investigation, Tanduay Dark is from perhaps the biggest distiller on the planet delivered by Tanduay Distillers Inc., and is the Philippines’ most seasoned producer of rhum. (from:http://www. internetwines. com/rws24100. html). GSM Blue. As utilized in the investigation, GSM Blue which represents ‘Ginebra San Miguel† is a well known gin in the Philippines and can be blended to a fluid like squeeze or clear pop. (http://www. urbandictionary. com/characterize. php? term=gsm%20blue) Colt 45. As utilized in the examination, Colt 45 is a beer with 8% liquor content previously presented in the United States of America by the National Brewing Company. (http://www. Visual Presentation. Visual introduction is characterized as what is being found in the chose alcohol ads specifically San Miguel Light, Tanduay Black, GSM Blue and Colt 45, the on-screen characters, shading, props or materials utilized are considered as the principle factors. Criticalness of the Study The examination will be useful to the accompanying: Women. Issues with respect to rights, opportunity and treatment to ladies were talked about in this examination therefore; the discoveries can be useful in arousing women’s awareness on its genuine remaining in the general public. Women's activist Group. This examination will be helpful to the women's activists gathering. Women's activists considered as conclusion pioneers, could get some more philosophies so as to enlarge information about cultural issues and how to treat those issues. Relatives. This examination will be valuable to the relatives. This examination may furnish guardians or relatives with significant data in controlling their youngsters particularly ladies and in buying merchandise and to be cautious with the sort of TV notices that they are viewing. Makers. This investigation will be valuable to makers of promotions. At the point when the given examples of TV promotion will be broke down, it will show them the various factors in visual introduction that influences the reaction of the crowd of what is all the more engaging. This will likewise advise them with the present status regarding the publicizing patterns and it might be a reason for change and improvement. Likewise, this investigation will help in the choice for makers before putting their cash in the organization that they will be working later on. Promoting Industry. This examination will help the promoting business in understanding the significance of the ad that will be watch. The impacts that may prompt crumbling the virtues of one’s self due to what is anticipated close to them. TV slots. This will enable the TV to channel to examine the substance of the notices. As a m

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Topics Examples: How To Write A Compelling Essay

Essay Topics Examples: How To Write A Compelling EssayWhen choosing an essay topic for college, you should always consider the value of essay topics examples. You need to know what kind of theme you can make this essay be to achieve a good grade.Basically, you need to prepare a list of topic ideas to determine which one would be appropriate for you. In doing so, you need to consider many factors. These things will include your academic record, personality, ability to express yourself well and your personality as well.It is important to have strong topics when you are planning to write a longer essay. If you want to impress the admissions officer at your college, it is important that you develop strong topics. That way, you will be able to stand out from the rest.Another important consideration when choosing essay topics examples is your ability to express yourself. It is an important feature of your composition that you be able to get across the concepts in your paper in an effective manner. In other words, you need to be able to write an essay that will impress the reader of your subject.You can use essay topics examples to find ideas that are applicable to your topic. Just remember that not all examples are meant to be used in all topics. Generally, essay topics examples are used to show how to write a coherent essay.Nevertheless, you do not have to find essay topics examples in order to convince the readers of your topic. Writing essays is about communicating something from your heart, so the essays should do it on its own. That's why it is important that you concentrate on the topics that you want to write in the first place.As a result, you can approach your academic department in order to get recommendations on writing topic ideas. The topic of your essay should be the main issue in your academic college. Because of this, you need to get all the facts that you need in order to have a strong topic.Of course, it is easier to get ideas from your subject's co llege. However, you can also look for ideas from different sources online. That way, you can also get an idea of what kind of topic will interest the reader in your writing.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Why Is Virtue Ethics - 1881 Words

When considering virtue ethics, the focus of an individual’s morality is based on their character rather than any one of their specific actions. When confronted with a difficult situation virtue ethicist would strive to always act virtuously, or as someone with ideal character traits would. Aristotle defined these ideal character traits as traits that are derived â€Å"from natural internal tendencies†, and that these traits â€Å"need to be nurtured; however, once established, they will become stable.† [1] In the story of Smith, Smith successfully walks through his entire life cheating. Throughout his time spent in grade school, junior high, high school, college, and even his career in the business world Smith is not caught. Instead of learning valuable life skills, like the ability to spell, Smith only learns one thing: how to cheat. Going back to Aristotle’s statement about how if virtuous traits are nurtured they will become part of an individual’s character, we can see the opposite effect happening here. As Smith drifts through life without getting caught cheating, he is only rewarded for his actions. In his mind, this internalizes the idea that it’s ok to cheat even when everything around him says that it is not. Looking at this story through the eyes of a virtue ethicist, one could say that Smith is not living a â€Å"good life†. Time and time again, Smith continues to cheat in order to succeed. While others around him work hard and struggle to act honestly, and thus virtuously,Show MoreRelatedMoral Reasoning And Ethical Decision Making1144 Words   |  5 Pagesreasoning and ethical decision making. These theories are used to assist people in deciding between the right and wrong acts. One of these theories is the virtue ethics, which is used to determine whether an act is virtuous or vicious. David Hume and Aristotle were among the first philosophers to use virtue ethics to differentiate between virtues and vices. According to Hume, an act is virtuous if it represents what a virtuous person would characteristically do in the same circumstances. BasicallyRead MoreAristotle s Ethics And Ethics Essay891 Words   |  4 Pagessays that people desire a conclusive theory on ethics. It is h uman nature to demand a clear path that does not meander into oblivion. Matters Ethics and Morality take twists and turns that seem to end in no specific action plan. Philosophers that came after J.S mill, Bentham, Kant, Aristotle and many more have strived to find a conclusive theory to Ethics. Ethics and any other branch of Philosophy has proven to be so problematic. Applicability of Ethics peddled by recent philosophers might prove toRead MoreThe Theory Of Ethics And Ethics1246 Words   |  5 Pageslast few weeks of class, we have discussed many different theories of ethics by many different philosophers. We have examined these theories by looking at different examples of how someone who believes in a specific theory would respond to the situation. I have come to the conclusion after closely examining each theory of ethics that virtue ethics presented by Rosalind Hursthouse is closest to correct. Even though virtue ethics has a few flaws that I believe need to be revised, this t heory is closestRead MoreAristotles Philosophy on Purpose Essay884 Words   |  4 Pagesimpressive. His greatest known works are the Athenian Constitution and Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle’s works of Ethics explore a vast area of topics. 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Leopold’s answer is to develop a new branch of environmental ethics to model humanity’s ever-changing relationship with the environment. Leopold observantly describes the history of ethics, the meaning of community with the land and why it’s appropriate to do so. Toward the end of the essay – as the reader is ready fo rRead MoreVirtue Ethics : The True Stem Of Moral Character1445 Words   |  6 PagesJiovanni Rodriguez Philosophy 103 2014 December 2nd Virtue Ethics: The True Stem of Moral Character Moral character is what dictates an individual s decision making and affects their experiences throughout their life. A person s morals can be based off one s upbringing and environmental factors. Virtue ethics is a philosophical view that greatly supports this claim that the choices a person makes and their actions follow those choices, and display their moral character. This is more likelyRead MoreVirtue Ethics : Moral Philosophy For Determining The Moral Permissibility Of Abortion1283 Words   |  6 PagesRosalind Hursthouse argued that virtue ethics is the preferable moral philosophy for determining the moral permissibility of abortion because it avoids the drawbacks from the utilitarian approach, and the deontological approach. I will demonstrate that virtue ethics is preferable because (i) it does not require a comprehension of problematic abstract concepts, and because (ii) it is sensitive to circumstantial variation. This paper will argue that virtue ethics is the preferabl e ethical approachRead MoreBusinesses Are Completely Incompatible With Virtue Ethics Essay examples1010 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Businesses are completely incompatible with virtue ethics. Discuss. Business ethics is concerned with how well a business treats its stakeholders and whether a business’s actions are seen as ethical. Within business ethics there are three approaches which could be adopted. The first approach is that a business’s main goal could be to maximise profits and nothing more, where the ethics of the business wouldn’t necessarily be important. This view is supported by Milton Friedman. Secondly, some ethicists

Friday, May 15, 2020

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - 600 Words

Robert Frost’s â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† is a poem that gives off different feelings the more times one re-reads it. At a first glance, it seems like a simple momentary encounter for the speaker with beautiful Mother Nature, who stops to enjoy it before returning to the long journey that awaits him. However, with the second read, as one thinks more deeply, it becomes clear that the poem is actually illustrating the speaker’s journey through life. The unforeseen stopping depicts a point in life, where the speaker debates whether he wants to continue on with life or not. The poem turns from being a transparent fancy for nature to a more dramatic one, which possesses deep significance. While nature is beautiful, the speaker is†¦show more content†¦The horse reminds him of the promises that he must keep and thus is symbolic of the logical part of a mind. The last two lines â€Å"And miles to go before I sleep† repeat to emphasize the idea that though the woods are luring, there are still promises that need to be kept. Metaphorically speaking, the word â€Å"miles† could mean places, destinations or even tasks that require attention. The repetition makes one notice the significance of the line, which ultimately stresses the point that the speaker must give up this beauty for reality. His conscience makes him realize, that the utopia he is experiencing is short-lived. His obligations outweigh his personal indulgences, and so he repeats this mantra to himself, in order to focus back on what is important. The man is constrained by the obligations to his job, family and society. Consequently, all these obligations prevent him from realizing, how they are holding him back from living a more pleasurable life. In conclusion, Robert Frost, through his poem â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,† presents a traveler’s momentary encounter with Mother Nature. He illustrates a striking and a meaningful picture, with the use of imagery, symbolism and repetition, of what a person experiences whilst observing the beauty of nature. As the narrator gets back to his senses, he recognizes that he must finish his duties and keep his promises. Although,Show MoreRelatedStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening1415 Words   |  6 Pagesoften triggered by feelings of helplessness and the inability to cope (Suicide Facts). Many people who suffer from feelings of self-despair mistakenly believe that ending their lives is the antidote to their pain. Robert Frost’s poems, â€Å"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening,† â€Å"The Road Not Taken,† and â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† each have distinct moods and messages, but they converge on a common theme. While many rea ders may have difficulty interpreting the gloomy, hopeless poems, the main message ofRead MoreStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening904 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† is a poem written by Robert Frost in 1923. In order for us to understand the message that the author is trying to depict in this poem, we must use â€Å"the drill† method. The drill method consist of analyzing the poem for devices of sound and figures of speech. The drill method is used to unravel the distilled content within the artwork. The devices of sound are resources that poets utilize in their art to project and reiterate the meaning or the experience ofRead MoreStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening1556 Words   |  7 Pagesis present in Frost’s poem, â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,† from the 1928 collection, West-Running Brook. Here, Frost creates a good example of a Rubaiyat stanza that is broken into four sections totaling sixteen lines. From the moment we meet the narrator, we are aware that his persona is suspicious, from his inspections of the winter surrounding, to the focus on his odd behavior and the final reminder of a plan. What â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† deeply concerns is found inRead MoreStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening847 Words   |  4 Pagesfeeling all of the emotions portrayed by the speaker? In the poem â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†, written by Robert Frost in 1923, you receive that exact feeling. The poem is abou t a man stopping to admire the beauty that are the woods on a snowy night on his way to complete his task. This poem had many parts that could be well analyzed, which was surprising for how short the poem truly was. â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† had many literary terms including the structure of the stanzasRead MoreStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening1900 Words   |  8 Pagescan arrange what they want to say in several different ways. A wonderful collection of poetry which is more than capable of helping you achieve this is, â€Å"A Sense of Place.† Among these poems the focus will be entirely placed on â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† by Robert Frost. He was born on March 17th in 1874 San Francisco, California. Frost’s mother was of Scottish descent and his father’s origin was English. This particular poem of his was written in 1922 when Frost was at the age ofRead More Stopping by woods on a snowy evening Essay2229 Words   |  9 Pagesincluded. quot;Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Eveningquot; Complete Text Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the yearRead MoreAnalysis Of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening1920 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening† By Robert Frost Commentary The poem, â€Å"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening,† by Robert Frost is about the speaker walking near the woods while snowing. Though deceptive in length because of the feeling of a dream or deep sleep, the poem is rather short with only 16 lines. Ultimately, Frost creates a tension throughout the whole poem between a near-silent sleep or dream state and inclination to face reality. The readers are being drawn into sleep with the speaker’sRead MoreAnalysis of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening851 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of Stopping by woods on a snowy evening Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is a very well know poem by Robert Frost. The poem appears to be very simple, but it has a hidden meaning to it. The simple words and rhyme scheme of the poem gives it an easy flow, which adds to the calmness of the poem. The rhyme scheme (aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd) and the rhythm (iambic tetrameter) give the poem a solid structure. The poem is about the speaker s experience of stopping by the dark woods in the winterRead MoreStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Essay1431 Words   |  6 PagesFrost poetry in my free time. A phrase within the fourth stanza of the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, curiously mirrored the journey of Christine J. Walley, the author of the ethno-biography Exit Zero. â€Å"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep,† Frost writes. He presents the reader with a lone traveler trekking through the woods in search of answer. These woods display a level of co mplexion that may not be noticed by the everyday passerbyRead MoreAnalysis Of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening1506 Words   |  7 Pageselements of human life within simple poetry. The fourth stanza of his poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, curiously mirrored the journey of Christine J. Walley, the author of the ethno-biography Exit Zero. â€Å"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep,† Frost writes (Frost, 1923). He presents a lone traveler trekking through the woods in search of answers. These woods display a level of complexity that may not be noticed by the everyday passerby

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The European Union and European National Sovereignty

How the EU represents supra-nationalism which is having authority and jurisdiction above national governments? What institution in the EU represents this trend? European Union is one the world’s most dramatic examples of economic and political integration. A total of 27 states are compromising their national sovereignty by transferring many areas of their decision-making and authority to a supranational organization. We cannot call the European Union a nation-state because it lacks core responsibility, legal rights and cannot use coercion or punish those who disobey its law, directives and regulations. However, its operation and authority over some economic, political and legislative fields are supra-national and beyond the control of†¦show more content†¦To compare, we can say that the European law is almost like a codified constitution law of a sovereign state where all other laws subordinate the constitution law. Once, regulations are promulgated it would be followed and obeyed by all members which makes the European Union a supranational organization. The European Commission has exclusive decision-making power on external commercial policy, agriculture, environment, internal market, and single currency. It proposes its decisions to the European Parliament and to the Council of Ministers for approval. The European Court of Justice is another institution of the European Union that almost acts like a supranational institution. The ECJ has the right of judicial review over the interpretation of the EU treaties and over the secondary legislation (directives and regulations) issued by the European Commission and approved by the European Council of Ministers. The final verdicts of ECJ over several cases confirm that European law takes precedence over national law. The ECJ argues that all member states have willingly accepted the constraints imposed by European law and have transferred a limited amount of their sovereignty to EEC institutions. Thus, the EEC laws should be granted primacy over national law. Another aspect of EU supra-nationalism is the Single Currency. A single currency challenges the core definition of what it means to beShow MoreRelatedEuropean Union And Its Influence On The State1134 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction European Union is remains one of unique and controversial organisation in nowadays which symbolise the association of European countries with shared sovereignty over socialism and imperial ambitions. President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy once sad that: â€Å"The age of the nation state is over and the idea that countries can stand alone is an ‘illusion’ and a ‘lie’† (Martin D., 2010). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Electricity Providers & Gas Suppliers for Energy- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theElectricity Providers Gas Suppliers for Energy. Answer: Description of the case study subject (i.e., organization, institution, etc.): Briefly describe the case study subject in terms of its business/organizational mandate and key business/ organizational activities. The Origin Energy is an energy company which has headquarters in Sydney, Australia. The main business of the company includes the production of energy. The company has diverse operations based on various parts of the country (, 2017). The company includes of an extensive portfolio for the extraction of natural gas. The operational site includes the Bowen, Cooper and the Surat basins of Central Australia. In addition, the Perth and Browse basin in Western Australia is also included in the list of portfolios. Moreover, the Bonaparte basin in northern Australia as well as the Kupe Gas field in New Zealand is also another place for operations. The company also does joint operations to convert the coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas. The business of the company is involved with the generation and retail of energy to the various populations of Australia. Their customer base includes 4217 million including both large and small infrastructures. The main products of the company include electricity, LPG (liquefied natural gas) and natural gas. The company is also involved in the sales of small solar photovoltaic cells. In addition, the company is involved in the production of renewable energy. This includes the generation of wind energy, solar energy and geothermal power. In 2016, the company collaborated with two other contributors to expand their business operations. The main idea of the collaboration is the conversion of coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas. In addition, the retailing of such services is also to be provided by the joint collaborations. The collaborators of the project include the ConocoPhillips, Sinopec and Origin Energy. The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The project completed with the delivery of the first cargo of liquefied natural gas in the year of 2016. The project is said to include three portions. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island. The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 mil lion tonnes per annum. Tentative structure: List the sections you would have in the case study This case study includes the operations of the Australian Pacific lng. This company is the outcome of collaboration among three different companies ( 2017). These include the collaboration among ConocoPhillips, Sinopec and Origin Energy. The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. Overview: The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The project completed with the delivery of the first cargo of liquefied natural gas in the year of 2016. The project is said to include three portions. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island. The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 million tonnes per annum. List of companies: a) The first company included in this collaboration is the Origin energy. The company is responsible for operating the gas fields of the Australian Pacific lng. They are also responsible for the maintenance of the transmission pipeline. In addition, Origin Energy is also responsible for addressing the various operations of the supply management (, 2017). This includes the exploration and production of gas and energy as well as retailing of the products. b) The next company listed in the collaboration is the ConocoPhillips. They sole responsibility lies in the operation and construction of the two facilities present on Curtis Island (, 2017). The company is considered the largest independent production and exploration company in the whole world. They are also responsible for the production of natural gas and liquids. c) The last company is Sinopec which collaborated in the venture as a customer but was later listed as a partial equity owner (, 2017). The company is considered the second largest producer of natural gas and crude oil. Requirements of the project: The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island ( 2017). The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 million tonnes per annum. Compliance: The Australian Pacific lng complies with the various governmental standards of Australia. The approval from the Australian government was successfully achieved after the review of the environmental impact statement (EIS). This document included the various potential risks as well as the various advantages of the project. Rationale: Why is this subject of interest to you? Origin Energy is responsible for addressing the various operations of the supply management. This includes the exploration and production of gas and energy as well as retailing of the products. The first process is the exploration and production of gas. The various operational sites that are included in the portfolios are explored for productions. The operational site includes the Bowen, Cooper and the Surat basins of Central Australia. In addition, the Perth and Browse basin in Western Australia is also included in the list of portfolios. Moreover, the Bonaparte basin in northern Australia as well as the Kupe Gas field in New Zealand is also another place for operations. This process is followed by securing approvals from the land owners and the government. After this, the engineers work to analyse the extraction process. This is followed by the development of a piping system for delivery. This is also used to produce electricity in their stations. The power generation process includes the conversion of natural gas to electricity. These are basically done by utilizing their vast power stations. The retailing is done by adopting various flexible modes of payments. In addition, the accounts of the users can also be managed online. Lastly, the company is also responsible for the production of renewable energies. The list of green energies included in the production list is wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower energy and solar energy. Thus, the various operation of the company in the field of energy is a matter of great interest. The production of energy is responsible for referencing the basic needs of the whole world. The basic activities of the common people include the presence of electricity in their houses. In addition, the operations of the industries also need the presence of energy requirements. As the basic operations cannot be done without the presence of energy, the need to address the energy requirements is to be followed. This is the reason for the chosen subject to be of much interest. Methodology: How will you collect the data? What is your access sources and which methodology would you use? List as many sources as possible including websites, articles etc. Data collection is the first method to be used for measuring the analytical data related to the energy requirements. Various techniques can be used for the analytical measurement of statistics when data is being collected. The data can come from various sources like records or websites selling analytical data measurement tools. The first data collection tool is the conduction of interviews. This is mainly used to study the behaviours of people. The use of interviews is usually done in one-to-one conversations. In addition, the interviews can be telephonic which is conducted over the telephone or be one-to-one conversations which involve both parties to be present in front of each other (Banerjee, Carlin and Gelfand 2014). This is generally a qualitative method of data collection. The next collection tool is the use of surveys or questionnaire forms. This is a quantitative method where responses are collected on a huge level. The majority decisions are then taken to be analysed. The results generated from the use of this collection tool are much easier to interpret. The next data collection method is the use of studies to target the population of the area concerned. The responses are qualitative in nature and are used to analyse the information pertaining to that area. This data collection method is often used to study the area where the operations will be conducted. This will help the company to get a general idea of the area concerned regarding the presence of architectures or other social factors. The last method of data collection is the use of records and data. These are previous data and records pertaining to the area (Orkin 2014). This includes the government ases or historical documents which may reveal further insights regarding the area. Although these sources are a cost effective solution, their use can lead to incomplete information list. Timeline: Briefly identify key tasks, goals and/or associated with the case study and a rough timeline for carrying out. Between Week 4 to 12) The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island. The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 million tonnes per annum. The main aspects of the project include many parameters. These are the construction of gas fields, development of pipelines for the transmission of gases, development of a LNG (liquefied natural gas) and the development of supporting features ( 2017). In addition, the project management authorities need to consider the risks and impacts associated with the development of such facilities in the area concerned. The construction of the gas fields involves the considerations of many different parameters to be addressed before commencing with the project. The first parameter is the stakeholder agreement. This is the first requirement as the stakeholders are the most important part to any businesses. The next process to be followed is the general consideration of the ecological surfaces and the impact of the weather on the area. The risks and hazards to the area are also considered in this aspect of the project. The construction of gas pipelines also needs to identify the various parameters. The stakeholder agreement is the first parameter to be considered. The next processes are the impact of the weather on the area as well as the general consideration of the ecological surfaces. The risks and hazards to the area are also considered in this aspect of the project. The construction of a LNG facility is the next part of the project. This includes the assessment of various ecological factors like the air quality, pollution levels, landscape planning, marine ecology. In addition, the noise impact and the wastes due to the project are also to be considered. Moreover, the risks and hazards to the area are also considered in this aspect of the project. The support functions include the presence of site investigation reports, compliance with the government and acquisition of necessary materials. 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