Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Electricity Providers & Gas Suppliers for Energy- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theElectricity Providers Gas Suppliers for Energy. Answer: Description of the case study subject (i.e., organization, institution, etc.): Briefly describe the case study subject in terms of its business/organizational mandate and key business/ organizational activities. The Origin Energy is an energy company which has headquarters in Sydney, Australia. The main business of the company includes the production of energy. The company has diverse operations based on various parts of the country (Originenergy.com.au, 2017). The company includes of an extensive portfolio for the extraction of natural gas. The operational site includes the Bowen, Cooper and the Surat basins of Central Australia. In addition, the Perth and Browse basin in Western Australia is also included in the list of portfolios. Moreover, the Bonaparte basin in northern Australia as well as the Kupe Gas field in New Zealand is also another place for operations. The company also does joint operations to convert the coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas. The business of the company is involved with the generation and retail of energy to the various populations of Australia. Their customer base includes 4217 million including both large and small infrastructures. The main products of the company include electricity, LPG (liquefied natural gas) and natural gas. The company is also involved in the sales of small solar photovoltaic cells. In addition, the company is involved in the production of renewable energy. This includes the generation of wind energy, solar energy and geothermal power. In 2016, the company collaborated with two other contributors to expand their business operations. The main idea of the collaboration is the conversion of coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas. In addition, the retailing of such services is also to be provided by the joint collaborations. The collaborators of the project include the ConocoPhillips, Sinopec and Origin Energy. The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The project completed with the delivery of the first cargo of liquefied natural gas in the year of 2016. The project is said to include three portions. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island. The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 mil lion tonnes per annum. Tentative structure: List the sections you would have in the case study This case study includes the operations of the Australian Pacific lng. This company is the outcome of collaboration among three different companies (Aplng.com.au 2017). These include the collaboration among ConocoPhillips, Sinopec and Origin Energy. The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. Overview: The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The project completed with the delivery of the first cargo of liquefied natural gas in the year of 2016. The project is said to include three portions. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island. The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 million tonnes per annum. List of companies: a) The first company included in this collaboration is the Origin energy. The company is responsible for operating the gas fields of the Australian Pacific lng. They are also responsible for the maintenance of the transmission pipeline. In addition, Origin Energy is also responsible for addressing the various operations of the supply management (Originenergy.com.au, 2017). This includes the exploration and production of gas and energy as well as retailing of the products. b) The next company listed in the collaboration is the ConocoPhillips. They sole responsibility lies in the operation and construction of the two facilities present on Curtis Island (Conocophillips.com, 2017). The company is considered the largest independent production and exploration company in the whole world. They are also responsible for the production of natural gas and liquids. c) The last company is Sinopec which collaborated in the venture as a customer but was later listed as a partial equity owner (Sinopec.com, 2017). The company is considered the second largest producer of natural gas and crude oil. Requirements of the project: The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island (Aplng.com.au 2017). The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 million tonnes per annum. Compliance: The Australian Pacific lng complies with the various governmental standards of Australia. The approval from the Australian government was successfully achieved after the review of the environmental impact statement (EIS). This document included the various potential risks as well as the various advantages of the project. Rationale: Why is this subject of interest to you? Origin Energy is responsible for addressing the various operations of the supply management. This includes the exploration and production of gas and energy as well as retailing of the products. The first process is the exploration and production of gas. The various operational sites that are included in the portfolios are explored for productions. The operational site includes the Bowen, Cooper and the Surat basins of Central Australia. In addition, the Perth and Browse basin in Western Australia is also included in the list of portfolios. Moreover, the Bonaparte basin in northern Australia as well as the Kupe Gas field in New Zealand is also another place for operations. This process is followed by securing approvals from the land owners and the government. After this, the engineers work to analyse the extraction process. This is followed by the development of a piping system for delivery. This is also used to produce electricity in their stations. The power generation process includes the conversion of natural gas to electricity. These are basically done by utilizing their vast power stations. The retailing is done by adopting various flexible modes of payments. In addition, the accounts of the users can also be managed online. Lastly, the company is also responsible for the production of renewable energies. The list of green energies included in the production list is wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower energy and solar energy. Thus, the various operation of the company in the field of energy is a matter of great interest. The production of energy is responsible for referencing the basic needs of the whole world. The basic activities of the common people include the presence of electricity in their houses. In addition, the operations of the industries also need the presence of energy requirements. As the basic operations cannot be done without the presence of energy, the need to address the energy requirements is to be followed. This is the reason for the chosen subject to be of much interest. Methodology: How will you collect the data? What is your access sources and which methodology would you use? List as many sources as possible including websites, articles etc. Data collection is the first method to be used for measuring the analytical data related to the energy requirements. Various techniques can be used for the analytical measurement of statistics when data is being collected. The data can come from various sources like records or websites selling analytical data measurement tools. The first data collection tool is the conduction of interviews. This is mainly used to study the behaviours of people. The use of interviews is usually done in one-to-one conversations. In addition, the interviews can be telephonic which is conducted over the telephone or be one-to-one conversations which involve both parties to be present in front of each other (Banerjee, Carlin and Gelfand 2014). This is generally a qualitative method of data collection. The next collection tool is the use of surveys or questionnaire forms. This is a quantitative method where responses are collected on a huge level. The majority decisions are then taken to be analysed. The results generated from the use of this collection tool are much easier to interpret. The next data collection method is the use of studies to target the population of the area concerned. The responses are qualitative in nature and are used to analyse the information pertaining to that area. This data collection method is often used to study the area where the operations will be conducted. This will help the company to get a general idea of the area concerned regarding the presence of architectures or other social factors. The last method of data collection is the use of records and data. These are previous data and records pertaining to the area (Orkin 2014). This includes the government ases or historical documents which may reveal further insights regarding the area. Although these sources are a cost effective solution, their use can lead to incomplete information list. Timeline: Briefly identify key tasks, goals and/or associated with the case study and a rough timeline for carrying out. Between Week 4 to 12) The required amount for the project included a sum of 24.7 billion$. The development of the project commenced in the year of 2015. The first portion of the project is the further development in Bowen and Surat basins. The second aspect of the project included the development of 530 km pipeline for the transmission of the resource to Curtis Island. The third aspect of the project is the construction of a facility in Curtis Island which is supposed to process 9 million tonnes per annum. The main aspects of the project include many parameters. These are the construction of gas fields, development of pipelines for the transmission of gases, development of a LNG (liquefied natural gas) and the development of supporting features (Aplng.com.au 2017). In addition, the project management authorities need to consider the risks and impacts associated with the development of such facilities in the area concerned. The construction of the gas fields involves the considerations of many different parameters to be addressed before commencing with the project. The first parameter is the stakeholder agreement. This is the first requirement as the stakeholders are the most important part to any businesses. The next process to be followed is the general consideration of the ecological surfaces and the impact of the weather on the area. The risks and hazards to the area are also considered in this aspect of the project. The construction of gas pipelines also needs to identify the various parameters. The stakeholder agreement is the first parameter to be considered. The next processes are the impact of the weather on the area as well as the general consideration of the ecological surfaces. The risks and hazards to the area are also considered in this aspect of the project. The construction of a LNG facility is the next part of the project. This includes the assessment of various ecological factors like the air quality, pollution levels, landscape planning, marine ecology. In addition, the noise impact and the wastes due to the project are also to be considered. Moreover, the risks and hazards to the area are also considered in this aspect of the project. The support functions include the presence of site investigation reports, compliance with the government and acquisition of necessary materials. Weekly log Activities Week 4 Site investigation Week 5 Ecological assessment and Weather assessment Week 6 Government approval and Compliance with standards Week 7 Risk assessment Week 8 Acquisition of resources Week 9 Commencement of the project Week 10 Analysis of the project completion Week 11 Analysis of the project completion Week 12 End of the project References: Aplng.com.au. (2017).Electricity Providers Gas Suppliers - Origin Energy. [online] Available at: https://www.aplng.com.au/for-home.html [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017]. Banerjee, S., Carlin, B.P. and Gelfand, A.E., 2014.Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data. Crc Press. Bloch, M., Blumberg, S. and Laartz, J., 2012. Delivering large-scale IT projects on time, on budget, and on value.Harvard Business Review. Conocophillips.com. (2017).The World's Largest Independent EP Company | ConocoPhillips. [online] Available at: https://www.conocophillips.com/Pages/default.aspx [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017]. Ika, L.A., 2012. 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