Monday, May 25, 2020

Why Is Virtue Ethics - 1881 Words

When considering virtue ethics, the focus of an individual’s morality is based on their character rather than any one of their specific actions. When confronted with a difficult situation virtue ethicist would strive to always act virtuously, or as someone with ideal character traits would. Aristotle defined these ideal character traits as traits that are derived â€Å"from natural internal tendencies†, and that these traits â€Å"need to be nurtured; however, once established, they will become stable.† [1] In the story of Smith, Smith successfully walks through his entire life cheating. Throughout his time spent in grade school, junior high, high school, college, and even his career in the business world Smith is not caught. Instead of learning valuable life skills, like the ability to spell, Smith only learns one thing: how to cheat. Going back to Aristotle’s statement about how if virtuous traits are nurtured they will become part of an individual’s character, we can see the opposite effect happening here. As Smith drifts through life without getting caught cheating, he is only rewarded for his actions. In his mind, this internalizes the idea that it’s ok to cheat even when everything around him says that it is not. Looking at this story through the eyes of a virtue ethicist, one could say that Smith is not living a â€Å"good life†. Time and time again, Smith continues to cheat in order to succeed. While others around him work hard and struggle to act honestly, and thus virtuously,Show MoreRelatedMoral Reasoning And Ethical Decision Making1144 Words   |  5 Pagesreasoning and ethical decision making. These theories are used to assist people in deciding between the right and wrong acts. One of these theories is the virtue ethics, which is used to determine whether an act is virtuous or vicious. 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