Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The European Union and European National Sovereignty

How the EU represents supra-nationalism which is having authority and jurisdiction above national governments? What institution in the EU represents this trend? European Union is one the world’s most dramatic examples of economic and political integration. A total of 27 states are compromising their national sovereignty by transferring many areas of their decision-making and authority to a supranational organization. We cannot call the European Union a nation-state because it lacks core responsibility, legal rights and cannot use coercion or punish those who disobey its law, directives and regulations. However, its operation and authority over some economic, political and legislative fields are supra-national and beyond the control of†¦show more content†¦To compare, we can say that the European law is almost like a codified constitution law of a sovereign state where all other laws subordinate the constitution law. Once, regulations are promulgated it would be followed and obeyed by all members which makes the European Union a supranational organization. The European Commission has exclusive decision-making power on external commercial policy, agriculture, environment, internal market, and single currency. It proposes its decisions to the European Parliament and to the Council of Ministers for approval. The European Court of Justice is another institution of the European Union that almost acts like a supranational institution. The ECJ has the right of judicial review over the interpretation of the EU treaties and over the secondary legislation (directives and regulations) issued by the European Commission and approved by the European Council of Ministers. The final verdicts of ECJ over several cases confirm that European law takes precedence over national law. The ECJ argues that all member states have willingly accepted the constraints imposed by European law and have transferred a limited amount of their sovereignty to EEC institutions. Thus, the EEC laws should be granted primacy over national law. Another aspect of EU supra-nationalism is the Single Currency. A single currency challenges the core definition of what it means to beShow MoreRelatedEuropean Union And Its Influence On The State1134 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction European Union is remains one of unique and controversial organisation in nowadays which symbolise the association of European countries with shared sovereignty over socialism and imperial ambitions. President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy once sad that: â€Å"The age of the nation state is over and the idea that countries can stand alone is an ‘illusion’ and a ‘lie’† (Martin D., 2010). 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